Episode 51 - Photography “Hot takes” | Canon vs Sony | Film vs Digital
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On today's episode we're talking about some of the biggest hot takes in the photography and videography world right now!
Things like "Canon is better than Sony" and others.
Here are the hot takes that we chat about in this episode:
1. ”Sony is better than Canon” - Does the camera brand matter or make you a better photographer? Yes and No. As far as specs go, that answer is almost always no, but you do need to be able to use YOUR tool (camera) effectively. If you can do that with a certain brand better than another or if a certain camera feels better in your hands than another, then that’s what you need to use.
2. “Gear DOES NOT Matter” - This is something that we hear and see often. I think the sentiment behind the statement is true. Gear doesn’t matter. A skilled photographer can get great results with any camera (tool). Now, it’s also true that gear does matter when it comes to efficiency and familiarity and preferences. All cameras are tools and can produce great results, but sometimes nice tools can make your life easier.
3. “Get it right in camera and you don’t need to EDIT” - This one is another one of those yes and no’s, but maybe not for the reason that you’re thinking. Art is subjective and photography is no different. What you think is a great image, may not speak to me at all. A non edited image is not inherently better than a non edited image, though. If you like the image that you took and it matches what you saw with your eye, then it’s a good image.
4. “Film is a better form of photographer than Digital” - Another common discussion is on the topic of Film vs Digital Photography. If you’ve ever seen the move “Radio”, you’ll get this reference, but I prefer “Both”. I truly don’t think you’ve got to choose 1 or the other. We live in a time in which you can enjoy both and get great results with both. If you prefer one over the other, then that’s perfectly fine and that’s what you need to do. Similar to our last topic, a Film photo is not inherently better than a Digital photo because it was shot on film.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to help answer anything you have questions about. Remember, photography and videography are both a journey that has no finish line. You’re always learning and improving and that’s what makes it so fun. Enjoy the process and keep shooting!
Faith and Frame Episodes will air every Monday. We hope you stick around and stay a while!
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that was a lot lot of claps a lot of claps got make sure we're synced up you gotta be synced it's good point good
point sned good point gotta be Sanctified I don't think that's a that
not a word similar to Sanctified no that's different that's edified that's
bonafied he's bonafied Justified what what movie is that from oh brother warell daddy he's
bonafied I've still got to go watch that again that's that's i' I've said this before that's probably one of my top
three movies of all time oh brother though that's a bold take it's a
theatrical Masterpiece top three top three I guess I don't know I guess I
can't say a lot my my number one is Forest gun Forest is good like as far as
my favorite movies like number one's Force Gun certainly a good movie but yeah O Brother warell certainly top
three I need to rewatch it because I've only I've not seen it as an adult MH and I'm sure as a uh teen or even whatever
comes right before Teen um Preen pre uh I probably didn't get some of the humor
and some of the lines yeah well so I certainly gained a larger appreciation for it once I got into photo and video
that was so that was a movie that actually changed the game for color grading which I'm a big fan of um it was
one of the first films that was shot on film and then color graded digitally oh
okay yeah also big fan uh that was Roger deacons cinematographer on that movie so
big deacons fan over here that was kind of his uh one of his Suare fores I guess
you could say but conceptually conceptually it's a great movie as well because okay it's a very loose
interpretation of the odssey if you've read Homer's The Odyssey which I was also a fan of in school I have not read
yeah not a big reader it's I mean again very loose very loose interpretation of
of the story um but good nonetheless hey speaking of loose interpretations just a
man trying to get back to his family the bigger story MH we're going to talk about some
photography hot takes I mean some fighting takes hot takes yeah some words
some of these words are fight starters to some folks folks get your gloves out
and we're going to get your dukes up we're going to discuss them we're going to throw hands see if there's any Merit to this the
heat uh involved with these takes it's going to get spicy hit m or it may just get dumb who
knows uh also a possibility um but first let think our sponsor sponsor of today's
episode of faith and Frames is none other than us Jared and Garrett here at motion Creative Media and our Blue
Collar Lut folks if you are looking for a drag and drop plug-and playay filter
for your iPhone footage DSLR or mirrorless camera video footage look no further than the blue collar L link is
down the description below this is a drag and drop filter yep that's gonna add a little bit of pizzazz a little bit of spice punch little bit of heat since
we're talking hot takes today to your video footage I would love to see the results that you get from this L you can
send those to us let us know what you think that link again is in the description down below Jared thanks for
sponsoring this episode thank you listen I'll just I'll be honest with you I threw it a top some iPhone footage you
did uh for in a recent video yeah one of our recent Vlogs and uh dude going to tell you look pretty spicy pretty
transformative pretty spicy so all right meet and taters get us to Mee and ters we're talking hot takes and apparently
you're ready to fight I'm not ready to fight I'm a lover not a fighter I actually I guess one of my other things
is bit of a people pleaser I don't like confrontation well then this is not the episode for you yeah well I'm gonna see
myself out uh no but I have written down here x brand is better than y brand um
I'm going to fill in X and Y and say that uh Canon is better than
Sony now you would say that as Canon guy cuz the other guys on the other side of the table say Sony's better than Canon
we'll switch it Sony is better than Canon Mighty big fighting words that's
the take what do you think well I mean this whole discussion of of X is better
than y when it comes to cameras we we've talked about this in a few episodes but
in in all reality nowadays all cameras are so good yeah I don't think that
there is actually a quotequote best brand M out there I think when it comes to cameras and the way that I think
about cameras because I'm I'm certainly not what you would say brand loyal yeah
I'm pretty agnostic in my camera branding I own them all I love them all I shoot them all I don't own a Sony
right now but sh Sony I do like things about Sony um but I don't think there's
any best camera brand out there I think that some things that we have to look at as photographers as videographers are
what tool is going to best help me yeah get the results that I need either for
myself for my client whatever so maybe that Sony camera that pains me to use
because I hate their menu system um now that's that's something that that their menu system suck to us no they suck well
to us again there's people who as a tool they enjoy it they can enjoy the menu I'm just saying listen we just there's a
dude on threads his name's Trent he just picked up an fx6 MH and one of his first
threads post owning theu system he said the menu system was just everybody says it but people still buy Sony cameras
well they do produce good imagery but that's so that's what I'm saying it all comes down to is this tool going to get
me the results that I need for my client we we've used Sony cameras for you know one of our Bigger Productions before and
it was the tool that we needed because we were in a an area a that we needed great low light performance yep um B we
needed cameras that were rugged and robust and that would work because we were in a d blacksmith Forge yep for a
week so those were the tools at the time that can handle that job but yeah this
whole idea of X is better than y I think it all boils down to these are tools right and we have to decide as creatives
which tool is going to get me to the end result the best right um whether it be through performance I would say through
things like menu systems that matters it does that matters that's something to that's something to consider and I
started with Canon yeah uh and I'll say this from a menu system standpoint Bueno
very Bueno the only camera that I would say has a simpler menu black magic is
yes black magic I mean it's it's literally I think I think my four-year-old could probably thumb
through a black magic menu I have an internal conspiracy that black magic actually colluded with the brand play
school to to invent their menu system because it's it's literally four-year-old friendly but but I say all
that to say yes your menu system does matter um if you can't manipulate the
settings or manipulate your camera effectively it's not a good tool for you
um so something to be aware of another thing that I think a lot of people
Overlook is ergonomics ergonomics how that camera feels in your hand because
my hand's different than your hand yes for instance I have I don't know if we
had the same hands that'd be weird it would be weird so for instance our buddy Jeremy
M shout out now that dude does not become loyal to any camera I think year
he owned at least 12 different cameras um he's like me he loves them all loves
them all but I will say this he he has tried Sony yeah so he's tried Sony he's
owned Sony been in the Sony system for a bit does not like it has zero desire to go back to it and he's told me before
ergonomics it's because of the ergonomics that big flange outside of their emount hits his hand in a very
uncomfortable sharp it's sharp to him that matters now to other people they
probably never noticed that in which case that's fine I think you need to even look further into like what are the
ergonomics of this camera how does this camera F in my hand is it too heavy for instance if it's too heavy like if a lot
of the cannon stuff's big even their mirrorless line especially if you go the RF glass don't be clunky don't to be
clunky maybe you need to look into the fui system yeah the whole system is is going to be way smaller way lighter the
Fuji system might not have enough grip for you it may not have enough so like
and and yes I would agree X brand is better than ybr I think that's a very old conversation now it's not it's fun
to chop up and I guess technically it's I mean we all have we all have fun with it on threads with each other you
everybody likes busting each other's chops over what they're using but at the end of the day like cameras nowadays are so good yeah they're so capable I'm
gonna say even from like 2010 to present like there's some bangers out there from every brand really yeah I have
professionally been using for the last two weeks a Canon 5D Mark III from 2012
something like that favorite of Fuji film from 2015 so very capable very capable I don't think any brand is
better than any other brand they're all tools um now they do sometimes beat one
another to the punch regarding like some of the latest tech and specs and stuff like that and it's fun on a spec sheet to be like this one shoots 60 frames per
second but me that's no different than cell phones like cell phones and TVs boasting oh now we made an 85 in TV
that's you know 12K display and it's 3 million OLED pixels I don't know what
the specs are but either way that's any Tech game those are specs on a sheet and and sure they matter to a degree but
like ultimately does this tool fit into your workflow can you effectively get the
results that you want yeah and is it fun and easy for you to use like yeah is it
an enjoyable experience yeah cuz if it if it's a cumbersome experience if it's cumbersome for you to fiddle through
these menus every time you have to go out on aot that's not going to be like you're not going to want to go out and do that or thing about this especially
with with your higher-end Brands I mean there's sometimes where cost is a factor too you may be able to afford the body
but then you go look at some some glass that's another thing you're like o this is not the right tool for me cuz I don't
have the budget for this that's that's why I I would still recommend buying Ed but whatever you buy by it's expensive
to switch systems so like that's something too that you need to think about it's like okay yeah if you've already started to
buy Canon EF glass or Canon RF glass or Nikon Z Glass whatever notice or know
that it's a reasonably long-term investment in most cases unless you've
got just totally Expendable income or a l of AD you can afford or or or you're wanting to adapt um but yes to to sit
here today in 2024 and say x brand is better than
ybr I just I I don't buy that I have my preferences and I think everyone should
have every their preference but you should get to your preference destination based on usage um this is
this is real quick off the dome but if you had to compare camera brands to church denominations oh we're not going
there uh the next thing that we're going to talk about as a hot take is
is I've heard it uhhuh I have told people this uhhuh I've told myself this
I I don't think this statement is going anywhere but it's that gear doesn't
matter why do you think that uh why do I think that or why do you not think it I
I think it and don't think it you think it are you saying to not to right now I'm saying it's both you telling me to
not to think about it the the sentiment is true yeah and we kind of talked about
it in the first little bit but the sentiment is true gear does not matter because ultimately that piece of gear is
nothing other than a tool right you know that's kind of like saying uh with Jason
Knight who's a master blad Smith the master blad Smith oh he's there he's not
the only one but yeah he's he's a great blad Smith he's the Mac Daddy are are we to say that he couldn't do a better or a
quicker or more efficient job with with Harbor Freight Pittsburgh tools he could get it done he could he can make a knife
with him now is there better gear for his craft that can make him do it quicker more efficiently all absolutely
but this the fact of the matter is Jason Knight because he has the skills could
turn out a great knife a great Blade with very level or entry level tools but
his preference is to not use a Pittsburgh ball pain Hammer because he
has the skills though like he's he's he's de velop those skills and ultimately gear doesn't matter no it
doesn't matter it's more so in the skill set but sometimes it does matter the
asterisk the asterisk and that's why I was like going my radio both situation like both uh dang that's a good movie
too um that is a good movie it it at some point it it does come into play
though oh yeah like there are physical limitations with certain gear for
instance gear definit Ely matters if you need 120 frames per second yeah cuz a
lot of cameras can't shoot 120 frames per second even even beyond the D camera though I mean you think about and this
is kind of more prevalent in like a studio environment or if you're shooting you know commercially or whatever like
sometimes it goes beyond the camera if you're a studio photographer like you need strobe lighting you need you need a
prop you need backdrops you need all kinds of things so yeah the gear does matter in that case to accomplish your
studio Mission yeah or if we're shooting a commercial versus US capturing an
event I'm not going to take my event gear by itself to a commercial shoot
yeah because we know traditionally on a commercial shoot we may have to bring in more lighting right we may have to bring
in you know extra accessories audio things like that so yeah there there's a there's certainly a fine line between it
not mattering and it absolutely mattering yeah um and that line comes does this help me shoot more efficiently
does help me shoot quicker better faster whatever um what have you there is a point to where it does matter but
there's also a point to where no it comes back to the holder of the gear yeah is a it's all a tool and there
there are certain tools that can make your job way easier yeah to use a literal example of uh Jason Knight he
could Forge an entire thing by hand with just an anvil a forge and a hammer but he don't want to but he also has power
hamers which is pneumatic it's doing it for him like my point is you can get to
the end result both ways yeah it's
just sometimes nice tools M make the job a little easier there's a reason Snap-on
is still in business also true hey but so is Harbor Freight Harbor Freight still bu too
exactly it takes both this per got that lifetime warranty baby it takes both so it does doesn't matter but it does
matter yeah that one's one I can get on both sides I I understand the sentiment it's it's it's people who are trying to
encourage people to get started and not let gear be a limitation and it shouldn't be right it should not be I
was going to say that what we do now is like so accessible yes um in 2024 here you want to get started gear does not
matter right in that sense if your camera turns on yeah and has the ability
to your phone turns on nowadays you're good you're good to go go rock it go
rock it now as you get more skills I was going say it all depends on context and application yeah um as far as that
statement goes moving on to the next oo this one's a fun one yeah editing my raw
images versus I'm a straight out of camera jpeg shooter I get it right in
camera yeah I don't need no editing this is really kind of came about probably
ever since digital was a thing um and it's an older uh I think mindset
of get it right in camera and you don't need to edit are you saying this is a boomer mentality I'm not going to say
it's a boomer mentality but like I think you're saying it's Boomer mentality there's there still people who sit on
this Throne that if you get your jpeg right you don't need to edit it and
that's a finished product and you know what in some cases it's true they're not wrong in saying that that is that is a
factual statement well yeah especially considering how subjective our art form is it is very sub
um so didn't you have somebody like last week or something oh a few weeks ago I
mean you know one of my guilty pleasures and and to the detriment of my bank account um Hobbies is I I go try to
rescue every decrepit unwanted unloved camera that I can find so I hit
up yard sales antique stores thrift stores The Works met a person at the yard sale though right metap person to
yard sale we had a good conversation she was a photographer of of the older mentality um you know and and I'm cool
because I I straddle the fence I still shoot film I shoot digital so like I really don't care what shoot or how you
edit or how you don't but she got on this tangent about Lightroom and how she
don't need no Lightroom because she shoots pure photography I don't know
what that is but go talk to her she'll tell you more love this woman to death we had a great conversation a few good
laughs but yeah I mean we we got on this conversation of pure photography versus how if you you edit your photos you
don't actually know how to photography and interesting it was very
interesting conversation but there are still people out there like I mean we see it on threads daily like there's this big debate on threads right now and
Instagram and everything else of Raw versus jpeg straight out of camera shooting um and and a lot of Brands now
are like utilizing jpeg recipes as we call them which is just a baked in look
like a l like our Blue Collar L link below um a baked in look that you can put on your jpegs and it's pretty much
finished product when it comes out of the camera right me and you both shoot jpegs yeah recipes but we also Ed it I
actually guilty pleasure I shoot or a confession here I shoot raw plus jpeg I mean I do
too card you know what I may want to turn and burn this JPEG and it may be sufficient but I also want to get myself
flexibility if I want to go tweak this so I'm going to give myself the raw flexibility but
uh yes there is an older mentality of if you get it right in
camera you don't have to edit and I think those people are I think they come
from a different mindset of yeah it's more of a documentary situation now can you achieve a proper exposure and good
composition in camera and it be a baked JPEG and you not need to touch it sure
that's what that's what you want to do I personally enjoy the editing process I do I really
enjoy the editing process because I don't and I and I try to stay Timeless uh with my editing style uh I always
have tried to do that but basically I want to accentuate yeah certain features
and colors within that image or if a color is so overpowering I want to subdue it a
little bit and and that happens a lot with our Greens in this area I typically will take my greens to more of a yellow
and my yellow a bit more to the orange I I like orange um but if if it subtracts
from or if it's a visual distraction I want to try and remember because to me
as the person who captured this image saw this image fired the shutter I saw the image
a certain way well but you too you mentioned something very important you know there there's a different mentality in the sense of that that older
mentality comes more from a documentary approach if you think about you know photography of the past 40 years it's
not until very recently I'm going to say the past 10 or so years maybe 15 years
that photo editing has even become a thing digitally yeah um to where people
are posting their edits or really focusing on their style as far as their
edits go so like that's a totally different mentality because back then especially on film like a lot of people
the common man would shoot their film drop it off at Kmart CVS whatever lab get their roll back that was it that was
it the process right that was the process um the editing all happened in the lab but nowadays we do we have
photographers that are known for their editing style y um specifically with digital so it is a different mentality
again I fall on the fence with that because I do both um when it comes to
digital specifically if I'm on a family trip or if I'm out for a day just
driving around like I'm probably going to shoot a lot of jpeg because those are something that I just want to document my day yeah it's not it's not anything
that I'm gonna throw into my portfolio um actually I posted a set on threads the other day that was are not out to
eat I posted the restaurant a couple of other images with it those were all jpegs Straight Out camera didn't want to edit them I just wanted to document the
night yeah um versus if I'm editing for a client or I am editing a piece that
maybe I want to sell print of yeah um definitely going to throw those in and and shoot that raw and edit that thing
but yeah editing versus straight out of camera uh pretty hot topic right now I don't think there's a rider wrong answer
because what we do is so subjective no it's it's it's definitely definitely subjective um
and I think on one of my YouTube videos a got commented and he he said he' basically gotten to the point in his
photography he said I don't want to edit yeah I can see
he's literally just tired of the editing process and that's fine so for his move he's starting to move into more of a
finish jpeg situation where he doesn't want to touch it again I enjoy editing I
do I I really enjoy accentuating or or I it's it's to me it's the attempt it's
the opportunity that you have as a photographer to paint the image that you
saw yeah you can put your stamp on it which I also be you talked about people just and it's true the common folk back
then in the film they did not do this but I saw somebody post on threads a I
don't know how he got his hands on this uh image but it was a a very uh
iconic image of Muhammad Ali oh yeah with all the markings on it from the from the dark room from the yes from the guy who shot it and he was devel dark
room edits yeah but I was like oh man see so people have been tweaking and he
wanted to raise this and lower that you see plus twos and plus ones everywhere and it's like okay he was he was
painting a picture literally um on top of say back in the enlarging days like
he's literally dodging and burning that's where you get those tools from in Photoshop yeah so darkening place of the
imagees lightening the other that's what I was saying a lot of editing back then happened in the lab yeah um there was no
postprocessing it as far as computers go right um but yeah that editing certainly been around for a while but there are
still those those purists out there I'll say this your your photo is not any
better or any worse no I don't care what you do I'm going shoot what if you if you shot it straight out of camera
didn't touch it with a single editing or if you edited it for 3 hours your photo's not any B better or any worse to
me at the end of the day here's here's the situation are you happy with that image does that image reflect what you
saw check your box and if it did then that's great great winner winner did you edit it don't care did you not edit it
don't care I don't even want to know no I'm fine I just like the image I'm not gonna lose a bit of sleep over it I say
I just like the image good job you here's the other one we'll finish with this one we've chopped it up a bit
but it's still hot and people I don't know why people find eles having to
be literally on on on one side of the fence here oh people like to argue that's why we're recording this episode
because people like to argue that's true okay so the the last one and we we briefly handed at it but it's Phil Merc
of digital oh similar situation similar situation to edit versus not editing I was going say these two go hand in hand
film versus digital you've got people who will die on the hill that this film
photo is better because it's film and I can't believe you would ever pick up one
of those God forsaken digital cameras you got other people who are like I don't know maybe join us in the
21st century and shoot this digital T because better y gezer um I'm
personally I do both I say I do both I don't care well I'll take you a step further it's gonna come a shocker come
as a shocker to our audience and and to you but I still very regularly as of
like this morning screw both of them up yeah so I'm I'm an equal opportunity
screw up here I like film I like digital right they're both fun to me you know what's funny it's it's really funny
because I saw this I saw this real and this dude was making a hilarious point
he he he had he was playing different characters and the character was this uh this film photographer from
1980 he was have you seen this no but this sounds like my kind of guy he was playing this film photographer from 1980
talking to this snob in 20 talk oh yeah I do this because it's so
pure the 1980 guy goes I did this because this was the latest tech this is what I had he goes so he went he went
the opposite way so he went 30 something years into the future he goes are you still going to carry around an iPhone
15 oh when the iPhone 47 is out or whatever doubtful it's the same concept
though he goes he was basically making fun of the people who are like oh this
is the pure form of Photography and then you know all this and that and he's basically saying no people shot film
then because that's what they that's what existed they had to um they probably would have shot the new digital
stuff if they graduated from large format 10 type so it was really funny to
see this like the the futuristic thought of no I'm probably not going to carry
around an iPhone 15 30 years from now just because it's pure or whatever you know
what I'm saying I will say this though like as far as not necessarily results
because again you can achieve any results with a digital or film camera that you want today I will say this when
it comes to just the experience part of this argument okay I personally enjoy
the experience of shooting film more than I do more than I do digital digital
is you know it's fun but it's it's such an instantaneous right reward I guess
can say that for me and again it's just because the way that I grew up I mean I helped my dad restore things growing up
but I love literally from start to finish I love going and finding a decrepit old film camera I love the
process of buying a roll of film putting it in that camera to test functionality
yeah I love not knowing if I'm going to get any images after I get that film
developed or or after I develop it um but just the tactile nature of of loading film of you know manually
advancing each frame yeah setting ISO uh setting my apture metering a scene for
light like those are things to me that experience-wise I will take a stance and say that film is better than digital in
that sense but as far as results go no you you can get anything that you want to with either one um but I do like the
experience of film uh so for me it is better for that reason there you go that was the qualifier for you for me this is
it this is different for everybody right it's different for everybody not everybody likes film not everybody likes old Tech not everybody likes the
heartache of getting a blank roll of film back after you've spent $15 on a roll yeah no I do I do enjoy the process
but I'm not someone who's going to sit here and say this photo is better
because it was hashtag shot on film right results like I said results to me can be whatever because you can achieve
both uh for me it boils down to experience alone absolutely I think the cameras are pretty is film better than
digital or is digital better than film I don't know no I mean what do you what it depends on
what you're needing to do now are you gonna are you g to be a sports photographer in today's climate with
film cameras I see there is a thing there is a there is a small subset I'd
like to be a part of that subset this uh this guy does I think his Instagram handle is expired film club yeah yeah
yeah yeah he shoots all the European soccer matches on these old things I'm like a dude now that's a Vibe there's a
guy that does it for uh University of Georgia football since you're dog fan
yeah oh paid is he paid oh yeah he's got some good work nice uh my so my dream
film Sports Photography rig is a Canon eos1n now is that looking kind of like
the it looks like a 5D basically ah okay it's like the the film version of a 5D but uh you know what I have actually
considered getting I have actually considered getting uh one of those newer Canon or
newer well it be the latest or the latest uh Canon
I've got an EF film Cannon you do yeah I've got a Rebel 2000 huh so it's a it's
an es Jordy had a one something the other day he had I think he had the one in um but I've also I met a wedding
photographer a while back she was shooting on an eos1 V which is like the brother to that um she's she shoots
weddings on film nice yeah very cool very cool so yeah as far as again user experiences and too I I do think that
film cameras are prettier than modern day digital cameras mine is Fuji because Fuji kind of they kind of have that
retro I take my Fuji out all the time and they're all the time people ask me thas my f film camera no it's just
something they do and then when I have the actual film cameras out people still
ask is it a film camera I'm like this one is thank you for asking I'm glad you noticed I'm a better photographer because of because I'm shooting on a
film camera especially if you wear your vest and then I get home and I have a blank roll so no I'm not actually in
fact but no ultimately no I don't think one is any better than the other uh I
again I truly think it comes down to I mean what part of the craft do you
enjoy doing uh I don't think you have to choose there is this huge polarizing
topic them all you can't love this one if you love this one and I just I just
that's a very Richard mentality I just don't buy into that I think radio said it best both both
to radio she said both both I don't subscribe to the film versus digital
mentality I I like it all well I'll say this too I'm poor because of it bit of I'm a bit of a a a down toe kind of
guy here in this sense um today your film is becoming digital
anyways before to do anything with it I mean I'm scanning it with a digital camera It ultimately becomes a digital
file until I create my dark room marging setup and then that now now if you go to
that then you're full film that's in the works nice that's in the works that'd be fun oh yeah it's it's GNA be real
fun you talk about mistakes oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna make quite a few of them hey you might get to see me Mark
up a few of them contact sheets like the Mike Tyson shot that you were talking about or Muhammad Ali shot my bad nice
so you get to edit after you've done your negative uh so the way an enlarging
setup works and this is totally off topic but the way setup works is like you're literally blasting light onto
photoreactive paper so that's where the terms DOD through your negative through a filter of your negative yes it's
through your filter or through a filter through the negative but that's where the terms dodging and burning come from is you're literally darkening parts of
that image by blocking light or increasing the amount of light that that photo paper receives for certain areas
that's where those tools and Photoshop come from it comes from the dark room well I've known yeah I've known dodging
and burning but I didn't realize that that part of the editing EDI part of that process was done post
development um yeah because you develop your negatives and then you're enlarging onto photo reactive paper which I guess
the only developing editing and you're putting in photo have at that point would be development times and pushing
and pulling you could tweak a little bit at that stage yeah but that's in the film development that has nothing to do with enlarging oh I got you the enlarger
you're literally blasting that negative onto photo reactive Pap by 10 or something mhm nice yeah there you go
process skip digital all together like who who cares about a tiff file right don't need it yeah we're going straight
to paper baby the way it was intended Jared speaking of uh things that we would like sent straight to us um there
are some things that our audience can do that would make us very happy podcasters what are those uh yeah leave us a review
M comments stars and bars if you enjoy the listening to it hey share it with somebody that's how this thing grows
yeah uh we can reach more people mhm that'd be kind of cool it would be cool we'd like to help as many folks as we
can we're any gram twos it's in our core values and nature I was going to say DNA but that's not true but yeah I mean it's
in our it's in our attitudes our Moxy there you go as people would say back in the day Le us review leave us rating
send this to somebody who you think you know what I've heard them talk about this and these guys are these guys are
telling them they're not uh they shouldn't have to be that polarizing you don't have to choose you don't have to
choose you you can like them all on that note Jared here's the hard part yeah uh well we'll see y'all later all right he
didn't make that very hard see y'all next time have good