How Can internal training videos help your business thrive?
Most businesses have a training process as they onboard a new employee. This could be the same HR information, or it may be a safety briefing. If you’re a business that does a lot of seasonal hiring, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to use video to help your business.
We recently discussed the top 5 video uses for businesses and this was on the list! When you think about using video in your business, most people think of Social Media clips or having a good advertisement. Those are great and necessary today, but one of the most effective uses of video that your business could be using is often overlooked.
Internal Training Videos. These types of videos may be the most underutilized types of videos, but they are such a GREAT way for your business to become more efficient.
They aren’t flashy.
They won’t generate any new leads or sales.
They won't go viral on Facebook.
But, what they will do, is provide the same exact delivery of a training procedure and they’ll free up an employee to do their job rather than present said training method.
I had a professor in college (I was a Computer Science major) tell me, “If you constantly find yourself doing the same tasks every single day, write a program do that instead”. Yea, that makes sense, I thought.
We discussed this a bit deeper on our Podcast. Check that out here if you’re interested.
How does that apply to your business and a video?
If you have to do the same 45 minute HR presentation to every single new hire, get that into video.
If you have the same safety program for every office employee, get that into video.
Think about the efficiency that comes from this.
Let’s just say that your company’s HR orientation is a 45 minute presentation. Normally, your HR department would be an employee short for 45 minutes every single time you make a new hire if you don’t have this presentation in video form.
Now, think about how much more effective your business can be if your HR employee is no longer taken away from his/her daily tasks for 45 minutes at a time because you invested in filming your internal processes.
You film it once and reap the benefits for years to come.
What about having to make changes to the presentation you ask?
If a law changes, or a new rule is added to your industry, alterations can be made to the video to incorporate those new policies. The process would be similar to what you’d have to do to update your employee handbook PDF.
Another benefit to internal video is the consistency that you get with the presentation. You can also play the training video even if the employee that normally does the presentation is on vacation.
If you have an internal process that you’d like to streamline with video, reach out to us at the link below. We’d love to help film your process!